The John Wicki
The John Wicki

"I am quite excited to show you something."
—The Cartographer to John Wick

The Cartographer is a Continental Service that provides maps and blueprints for assassins to use best hunt their target.

The Service[]

"This is the original map of the D'Antonio estate. Here, you have all the ancient ruins."
—The Cartographer

Part archivist, part trader of information, the Cartographer may also hold such treasures as keys or access codes. Like Rome’s Tailor, a Cartographer and his collection might be housed in an offsite location that could—like a bookstore—be hiding in plain sight. Behind a false bookcase in a small bookstore is The Continental's Cartographer. The Cartographer's map collection is full of both ancient diagrams and modern blueprints, detailing the layout of many local sites. The Cartographer reviews his clientele's travel plans and helps to provide all the logistical data necessary for their missions.

"And this is the modern blueprint. There are one, two, three gates."
—The Cartographer informing John

In addition to these manuscripts and documents, the Cartographer can also provide the keys necessary to access certain areas, aiding John Wick in gaining covert access to the Red Square concert venue in the Roman Colosseum.

