The Tarasov Mob is a Russian crime syndicate based in New York City. It was headed by Viggo Tarasov and later by his brother, Abram Tarasov.
The Tarasov Mob was founded by Viggo's father. When he died, Viggo was given the lead role in the organization which led to him running illegal businesses and various fronts such as churches.
Rise in Power[]
Soon, legendary assassin John Wick worked for them as a hitman after Viggo witnessed him kill three people in a bar with a pencil. However, when Wick asked to leave the Mob so he could be with his wife, Viggo gave him an 'impossible task' to wipe out all members of rivaling mobs in a single day, as he expected Wick could not, in order to keep him in the mob. After completing the task, Viggo allowed John to leave the criminal underworld to be with Helen. Due to John's completion of his task and the elimination of Viggo's rivals, the Tarasov Mob rose in power.
However, John was brought back in to his assassin life when Viggo's son, Iosef Tarasov, stole his car and killed his dog (who was the last present that Helen gave when she died). This prompted John to get revenge by killing Iosef. Upon realizing John's true motives, Viggo tried to pacify the situation by talking John out of killing Iosef, but later sent his goons, as well as several hired assassins, to kill John. However, John took out everyone Viggo sent at him, destroyed much of Viggo's material assets, and succeeded in killing Iosef, decimating the Tarasov Mob.
Despite being content to let Viggo live, the crime boss killed John's old friend and mentor Marcus shortly after, rekindling the flames of their war. John later confronted Viggo and killed him.
Headed by Abram[]
After Viggo's death, the Tarasov Mob reassembled and is headed by Viggo's brother, Abram Tarasov. Wick eventually tracked down a chop shop owned by Abram, where his car was held. John attacked the facility and killed many of Abram's henchmen, though ultimately made peace with Abram and agreed to let him live.